Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Hebrews 5:11 - 6:20

If I am a Christian, can I lose my salvation?  This is a question that all of us - if we are honest - has asked ourselves at some point in our walk with Christ?  Often times, this question comes to mind on the heals of some sinful act repeatedly popping up in our lives, or when we question the existence of God or the veracity of the Bible.

This week we tackle this very question and find some answers as we use Scripture Outlining to make sense of this often misunderstood passage.  Take a listen.....

Show Notes below

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hebrews 5:1-10

We are back!!! It seems like it has been forever, but we hit a rough patch that made it difficult to get all three of us together. But God was able to use that time to open some amazing doors for the podcast moving forward and we will share more about that later. Great stuff coming later this year.

But this week we jump back into Hebrews right where we left off. Over the past few episodes, as we've gotten deeper each week into this book, we've seen the author spell out clearly that Jesus is higher than angels, and higher than Moses. The author clearly wants to make sure that the Christian Jews reading this understand that Jesus, alone, has authority and position required to be Lord.

This week we look at a short section of Chapter 5, verses 1-10 where we see the author make a point of placing Jesus above the high priest as well. Why is that important?

Well tune in as we discuss Hebrews 5:1-10...

PS: It's so good to be back!

Show Notes