Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ephesians 4:1-16: Maturing in the Faith

If you've been following along with us through Ephesians, let me say "thank you".

This week, we are really excited to venture further this incredible book. Earlier you heard Paky refer the the first half of Ephesians as the "Doctrine" and the second half as the "Duty"...well, here we are at Chapter 4, and Paul starts shifting from who we are in Christ and into what we are supposed to do with it.

For starters, Paul writes we should be growing and maturing in Christ. and then goes on to say that this maturity will guard us and unify us. What a beautiful vision of the Church.

Listen in as Paky, Jesse & I explore these verses and walk through our Scripture Outlines. It's a short passage so if you haven't done a Scripture Outline with us yet...today is a great opportunity. Please join us as we go through our Content, Aim, Divisions and discuss how we are able to apply these verses to our daily lives.

Click below for our Scripture Outlines and show notes...

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