Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Ephesians 5:1-20 Out of Darkness & Into the Light

Out of the darkness and into the light! This week we dive into the first half of Chapter 5 of the Book of Ephesians. We are examining Paul's cautionary words to the church to walk in the light, and turn from foolish, worldly lifestyles. And, taking it even further, Paul says that we should seek to bring all sin into the light. Expose it. Confess it. Deal with it. Don't bury it or ignore it. And I'm pretty sure that Paul is talking about ALL sin...yours too. Not just your neighbor or spouse or boss or whoever. All sin should be brought into the light, and in so doing it actually adds to the light.

Amazing principle. Hard to consistently put into action. But Paul goes on to to encourage believers to make careful choices and use our time wisely and with Kingdom purpose.

Enjoy the podcast and, as always, our outlines and notes are below.

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