Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ephesians 6:10-24 - The Armor of God

Now this is what I call a "Grand Finale"!! Paul has spent the past several chapters expanding on the mystery of God and our place in all of it. Now he ties it all together by pulling back the curtain to reveal the reality we can't see and the amazing symbolism of the Armor of God.

For many, this section of scripture is memorable because of the imagery (especially guys). And I'm no exception. But, having gone through the whole book of Ephesians with the Scripture Outlining method, I can honestly say, I'm now better able to tie this section into the rest of the book and the entirety of scripture. Please be encouraged to share any feedback and thoughts in the comments section below.

Join us this week as we wrap up The Alps of the New Testament: Paul's Letter to the Ephesians!

as always show notes below

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