Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hebrews 1

There Is No Other Name - Hillsong Worship

Here we go, buckle up, hands inside the ride at all times...

JESUS IS LORD! I mean, this week I don't really feel the need to add anything more to that sentiment.

It's a short chapter, so take a few minutes, prayerfully read through the first Chapter of the Book of Hebrews. Then listen in as we take our first steps into this book and are reminded of just who is our Savior.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Interview: Bill Ellis

You may know him as the smooth voice you hear during the BSRT intro. Or maybe you know him as the Discipleship pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church. Or you might know him as the great friend, father and husband he is. Today, we sit down with Bill Ellis and talk about the role Bible Study plays in Discipleship.

We are called to mature in our faith, that we should produce fruit. Take a listen this week as we take a break before launching into Hebrews and hear from a man that knows the Bible well, and knows even more, how important it is to our walk with Christ.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ruth Recap

Ruth, I feel like you only just got here and now you're gone. It wasn't a long book, but we all got a lot out of it and hope you did as well. Listen in this week as we take a look back at the last four weeks and our big takeaways from this nugget of OT truth.

Show notes below

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Ruth 4

If you've missed the previous chapters of Ruth so far, let me encourage you to listen in this week. All of Scripture is profitable...but, for me the book of Ruth really finishes strong and the finale of this amazing story is all summed up in the final verses of Chapter 4. 

A story of redemption, by faith which leads to new life and hope in a better future. Almost sounds like another story in the Bible....

And as rudimentary as this may sound to any Bible believing Christian, it should serve as a reminder just how simple the message of the gospel is, and how huge the implications of our faith. Living out our faith in total submission to Christ's Lordship in our lives is not as complicated as it is just plain hard. Life has it's ups and downs and a real enemy tempting and distracting us with deception we can't fathom. So, I need every reminder I can get of the reward I have in giving my life over to Christ, in all ways...on all days. 

Take a moment to review the verses in Ruth Chapter 4, then listen in as we break down the conclusion to this OT short story. 

Links to our notes below

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ruth 3

Image result for nick vujicic

This is a picture of Nick Vujicic. If you've ever heard him speak, I am certain you know exactly who he is and his amazing story. I was blessed to hear him in person at the Main Event Men's Conference with Lifeway in Nashville, TN last year. Let's just say...next time I hear him speak I'll remember to bring tissue. (Side note: If you get the chance, make it a point to attend one of these Main Event Conference's. They really are great)

Nick has spoken to groups all over the world. Thousands of audiences. And perhaps one of his most well known quotes is as follows:

"If God can use a man without arms or legs
to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly
use any willing heart."

A man that has little to offer through the eyes of the world...has impacted the hearts of millions of people across the globe for the Kingdom of God. How? you might ask...simple. With a willing heart.