Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ruth 3

Image result for nick vujicic

This is a picture of Nick Vujicic. If you've ever heard him speak, I am certain you know exactly who he is and his amazing story. I was blessed to hear him in person at the Main Event Men's Conference with Lifeway in Nashville, TN last year. Let's just say...next time I hear him speak I'll remember to bring tissue. (Side note: If you get the chance, make it a point to attend one of these Main Event Conference's. They really are great)

Nick has spoken to groups all over the world. Thousands of audiences. And perhaps one of his most well known quotes is as follows:

"If God can use a man without arms or legs
to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly
use any willing heart."

A man that has little to offer through the eyes of the world...has impacted the hearts of millions of people across the globe for the Kingdom of God. How? you might ask...simple. With a willing heart.

This week we examine another amazing story that centers around the willing heart of a marginalized person with little hope of a future through the eyes of the world. Yet, as she surrenders her heart and her life over to God, we see that He has a path to redemption and a future bigger than anything, anyone could have imagined. 

Join us as we continue in the book of Ruth and see how a willing heart makes everything and anything possible for the kingdom of God and His plan for you that far exceed what you have planned for yourself. 

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