Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Hebrews 2

And further we tread into the Epistle to the Hebrews this week, examining the second chapter. Personally, I can say that Hebrews has been a real challenge (in a good way!). The concepts are perhaps simple enough, but the ramifications are limitless really. 

This week we look at Christ's propitiation for our sin among other topics. It's a lot of fun working through this section of scripture and as the author of Hebrews points out at the beginning of this book, we must pay close attention to all we have learned - and by extension to chase after it all the more, lest we fall away back into our old and sinful lifestyles. A dire warning to be sure, but the book closes on an uplifting note thankfully. Through Jesus, God is bringing many sons to glory, for His suffering on the cross is the one and only thing that can appease God's Holy demand of justice for the sin in our lives. Jesus paid it ALL! Amen. 

Enjoy the discussion this week, and please send us your Scripture Outlines as you follow along from week to week. 

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