Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hebrews 3

Listen in this week as we tackle more complex material in Hebrews chapter 3. As an added bonus enjoy the ending where I totally blow my scripture memory! Don't worry, nothing like public embarrassment to encourage one to redouble their efforts. (I've really got it memorized since this recording...I promise! LOL)

We continue to foreshadow the coming topic of "Can a Believer Lose Their Salvation?" but this week we devote our attention to how we avoid a hardened heart both in our conduct - work we do for ourselves; and through uplifting fellowship with other believers - work we do for others. Small is the gate and narrow the path that leads to life, and only few find it. Salvation is a gift we can not earn...but for a maturing Christian it is the first of many steps to take on a road of personal sacrifices and encouraging others. Through Christ, With the Holy Spirit this destination is one we can press on toward til the end.

So, on that note, in the words of Jesse "Go and Surf!"

Click below for notes...

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