Thursday, August 31, 2017

Roundtable Rehash! Grab a quick bite!

My mom made a dish like this when I was a kid. Corned beef hash and eggs. I loved it. If you've never had it, I recommend thoroughly.

I hope you like our re"hash" just as much.

Each week we always find elements of the passage that we want to discuss but that don't necessarily fit within our Scripture Outlines. Also, not everyone has time for a full 45 minute podcast, so we thought it might be nice to have a quick word on the passage each week.

In this Rehash, we talk about sanctification...and give Jesse a hard time.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Ultimate Sacrifice - Hebrews 10:1-18

The life of Christ, while filled with miracles and great teaching, was culminated and derives all purpose through His self-sacrifice on the cross. His act is what saves each and every one of us as believers. As John the Baptist exclaimed when Jesus arrived where John was baptizing in Bethany, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29

This truth is foundational and elementary in the hearts and minds of believers. But Hebrews explodes this truth and takes the reader on a journey exploring the breadth, length, height and depth of what this really means for us. 

As we enter Chapter 10, the author culminates everything they've written up to this point; distilling the essence of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to it's cosmic and eternal purpose. The original audience had been performing ritual sacrifices for generations to atone for sin...but they were merely that..."ritual" and nothing more. 

This week we discuss the opening verses of Hebrews 10 and what God is speaking into our lives through the truth that Christ's sacrifice is "once and for all" and is the only thing that could ever truly pave the way for our salvation to a Holy and perfect God. We hope you are encouraged to pick up your bible and follow along. 

The painting above  is The Sacrificial Lamb by Josefa de Obidos a 17th Century painter from Portugal. Perhaps most notable for being a woman in a man's field she was renown for her still life paintings. Here we see a depiction of the perfect and spotless lamb that was Christ. the table upon which the lamb lays bears an inscription that reads Occisus Ab Origine Mundi, Latin for "slain from the beginning of the world". A sentiment crafted by mortal hands reminding us that Christ's death upon the cross was always the plan. A humbling reminder that God is and always has been and always will be in complete control. 

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hebrews 9

Time for Hebrews 9 friends! This week we continue to dive deeper into the picture of Jesus that is being painted by the author of Hebrews. If you've been with us the last several weeks, you'll note that the discussion seems to be stating and restating a lot of the same thoughts. And while not the main point of the passage...I am certain that this repetitive language is a secondary point to which the reader should be arriving.

Let me say it another way: There is a reason the author of Hebrews makes the same point umpteen times....this stuff is REALLY important to your Christian walk.

It would seem that the author of this book is well aware of not just 1st Century Hebrew culture, but of human nature in general. I can speak from experience that one does not have to be Jewish in order to rationalize sinful behavior or trade religiosity for relationship. So, the author knows how common it is that we fall back into old rituals that give us something tangible to point to, but are wholly insufficient to truly cleanse our sin. Faith, by definition, is intangible; hard for us to measure in ourselves and even harder to measure in others.

We are urged by the author to move forward "onto solid food" in chapter 6, because it is not our nature to move on, but instead to keep stomping in the same old spiritual mud puddles. Retreading the past, the result being getting ourselves and those near us dirty. Instead we should move on to the riches of  His glory (Eph 3:16) that we might find peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7)

Enjoy this week as we discover what God has for us in Hebrews 9...

Show notes below

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hebrews 8

This week we continue to move on to "solid food" in Hebrews 8. For the last few weeks, we've been working through this section of scripture where the author seems to be reiterating the same points about Jesus Christ marking a new covenant. This point will continue to be driven home for a couple more weeks in the coming chapters.

Obviously, the author felt it important to make these points about Christ repeatedly and in many different ways. He needed extra emphasis in order to penetrate the hearts of his audience. A bible study tool I've always found helpful is knowing to look for moments where the same point is being made repeatedly. Clearly, the divine and inspired Word of God is not in need of a second attempt to make His point...rather, He knows we need a second, or third or fourth or fifth smack upside the head with truth we really need to know if we are to mature as Christians.

Join us as we get smacked upside the head with truth in Hebrews 8.

show notes

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Hebrews 7

image: Wikipedia

Melchizedek, King Mel, MZK...whatever you want to call him, he is one of the most mysterious characters in all the Bible. On the heels of our interview with Craig Loscalzo last week, we are excited to get back to Hebrews in Chapter 7 and excited to tackle the meaning and interest in this seemingly minor character (or if you're Jesse, interested in learning how to pronounce his name will suffice). 

The man who has no beginning and no end is the subject of our conversation this week. 

Show notes below

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation: Interview w Craig Loscalzo

At BSRT we love to spend time in the word and work each week to better understand and apply it to our lives. But every once in a while we get to a passage that even our learned minds struggle to fully! (Not exactly. We are very far from Bible scholars and I think each week we could use the help of a panel of experts.)

Hebrews 6 was a particularly complicated passage with concepts that vex many Christians. If you tuned in last week, you got to hear our take on the passage and, to the best of our ability, tackle the question "Can a Christian lose their salvation?" We spoke about maturing through patience and the eternal salvation we have in Christ, but there was so much more we had questions about.

So, what better opportunity to bring in a Christian scholar, author and pastor to help us dig deeper while staying on point. This week Paky sits down with Craig Loscalzo, our former pastor at IBC and a man with a real passion for God's Word. Listen in as he helps us all look at that question with some different perspective while wisely using Scripture to interpret Scripture.

It's a great conversation with a man we all deeply respect and admire. Please listen in this week as we get to hear some true wisdom from Craig Loscalzo.