Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Ultimate Sacrifice - Hebrews 10:1-18

The life of Christ, while filled with miracles and great teaching, was culminated and derives all purpose through His self-sacrifice on the cross. His act is what saves each and every one of us as believers. As John the Baptist exclaimed when Jesus arrived where John was baptizing in Bethany, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29

This truth is foundational and elementary in the hearts and minds of believers. But Hebrews explodes this truth and takes the reader on a journey exploring the breadth, length, height and depth of what this really means for us. 

As we enter Chapter 10, the author culminates everything they've written up to this point; distilling the essence of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to it's cosmic and eternal purpose. The original audience had been performing ritual sacrifices for generations to atone for sin...but they were merely that..."ritual" and nothing more. 

This week we discuss the opening verses of Hebrews 10 and what God is speaking into our lives through the truth that Christ's sacrifice is "once and for all" and is the only thing that could ever truly pave the way for our salvation to a Holy and perfect God. We hope you are encouraged to pick up your bible and follow along. 

The painting above  is The Sacrificial Lamb by Josefa de Obidos a 17th Century painter from Portugal. Perhaps most notable for being a woman in a man's field she was renown for her still life paintings. Here we see a depiction of the perfect and spotless lamb that was Christ. the table upon which the lamb lays bears an inscription that reads Occisus Ab Origine Mundi, Latin for "slain from the beginning of the world". A sentiment crafted by mortal hands reminding us that Christ's death upon the cross was always the plan. A humbling reminder that God is and always has been and always will be in complete control. 

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