Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation: Interview w Craig Loscalzo

At BSRT we love to spend time in the word and work each week to better understand and apply it to our lives. But every once in a while we get to a passage that even our learned minds struggle to fully grasp...lol! (Not exactly. We are very far from Bible scholars and I think each week we could use the help of a panel of experts.)

Hebrews 6 was a particularly complicated passage with concepts that vex many Christians. If you tuned in last week, you got to hear our take on the passage and, to the best of our ability, tackle the question "Can a Christian lose their salvation?" We spoke about maturing through patience and the eternal salvation we have in Christ, but there was so much more we had questions about.

So, what better opportunity to bring in a Christian scholar, author and pastor to help us dig deeper while staying on point. This week Paky sits down with Craig Loscalzo, our former pastor at IBC and a man with a real passion for God's Word. Listen in as he helps us all look at that question with some different perspective while wisely using Scripture to interpret Scripture.

It's a great conversation with a man we all deeply respect and admire. Please listen in this week as we get to hear some true wisdom from Craig Loscalzo.

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