Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hebrews 8

This week we continue to move on to "solid food" in Hebrews 8. For the last few weeks, we've been working through this section of scripture where the author seems to be reiterating the same points about Jesus Christ marking a new covenant. This point will continue to be driven home for a couple more weeks in the coming chapters.

Obviously, the author felt it important to make these points about Christ repeatedly and in many different ways. He needed extra emphasis in order to penetrate the hearts of his audience. A bible study tool I've always found helpful is knowing to look for moments where the same point is being made repeatedly. Clearly, the divine and inspired Word of God is not in need of a second attempt to make His point...rather, He knows we need a second, or third or fourth or fifth smack upside the head with truth we really need to know if we are to mature as Christians.

Join us as we get smacked upside the head with truth in Hebrews 8.

show notes

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