Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Hebrews Recap: Enduring Faith Is Its Own Reward

Here we are closing the book, so to speak, on Hebrews. Our longest book to date and certainly the most theologically packed. I'm certain of one thing as I look back over the past 5 months...there is just too much in this book to try to encapsulate it with one thought. But I am reminded of a quote by philosopher Alan Watts...

"To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax and float" 

If Hebrews is about anything, it is about Faith. It is reminder of in Whom we have faith. It is a re-framing of exactly what our faith means to us. It is unadulterated conviction as to why we should press on in our faith. It is a retelling of great faith warriors. It is an encouragement to endure in faith. 

The Jews of the day, were trying to grab hold of Old Covenant law and ritual, but the New Covenant changed all of that. The author tells them that the harder they grasp at those old customs the more they find themselves sinking in sin. Instead, they are encouraged to release themselves fully to the truth of the Gospel and that doing so is the only path to lasting salvation and doorway to God's eternal rest. 

I hope you've had the opportunity to join along with us as we've worked through this book. We've learned a lot and grown even more. We each consider our fellowship a blessing from God and our prayer is that what we do inspires you to give more time and heart to Bible study. I promise it will change your life unlike any other endeavor under the sun. 

God Bless You All...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hebrews 13: Remain in Christ, and He will remain in you.

Here we are at the end of an amazing road. The final chapter of Hebrews.

We began this journey over 4 months ago and I can speak for all three of us when I say: Thank you Lord. Our spiritual life has been stretched and grown over these 16 weeks as we've examined this book written to the Jewish followers of Christ.

We don't know who penned the words, but we know Who breathed them to life. There may be speculation about who the author of these 13 chapters is, but we've learned with certainty Who is the author and pioneer of our faith. Jesus.

This final chapter is one last exhortation to follow after him and to stay in His teachings. Live as the new creations that we are in Him. Live as we have been taught by Jesus. Join us as we close the book on Hebrews now with deeper understanding and greater fondness of this amazing epistle.

Show Notes

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hebrews 12: I Can See for Miles and Miles...

Have you ever stood on top of a mountain? Not a hill, but a mountain. 

I've had the privilege on two occasions. I've been to 10,000 feet twice in my life. The first time was a volcano in the middle of the ocean, the second a mountain range in Utah. The most amazing part (for me at least) is just soaking in all that you can see. The planet seems way bigger and you feel so much smaller in that setting. It's the true definition of "awesome". 

This weeks as I read through Hebrews 12, I couldn't help but feel like I was standing on a spiritual mountain. The author is culminating all the previous chapters, and a whole lot of Judeo-Christian theology in these final passages....and man, it is awesome. Working through Hebrews over the past 4 months has been a climb and now at the peak I feel like I can see God's work from a higher perspective and it just seems so much bigger, and I feel so much smaller (in a John 3:30 way). 

On top of "Mt. Hebrews" (as I'll refer to this chapter), we are called to persevere to the summit enduring hardships along the way. Each trial a loving rebuke from the Father. The journey will be hard, but that's what makes it worth the while. In fact, the summit is so glorious, the author says we should do all we can to help others reach it as well. 

And finally, the author himself talks about two mountains; Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion. Contrasting the two in a spiritual context so as to highlight the New Covenant we have in the blood of Jesus Christ. Now we truly have a way to God our Father. 

One day in the future, those mountains I stood on and everything I could see will all pass away and all that will remain is His Heavenly Kingdom. And because of Jesus, I'll get to join God on the other side of eternity. What an amazing and humbling thought. I hope you enjoy our discussion of Hebrews 12 this week as we share to what spiritual mountain tops the Holy Spirit led us. 


Show Notes

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hebrews 11: Faith's great cost and reward

In California there is a sidewalk emblazoned with over 2,600 terrazzo and brass stars. Each one honoring a celebrity for their contribution to the entertainment industry. Actors, musicians, directors, producers and many more. Each one memorialized in that five pointed star along the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

It's interesting what we today regard as worthy of recognition, fame and lasting remembrance. And in our 21st Century culture, it's even more interesting how much we value fame and the adoration of many. Reality TV, social media and viral videos never seem to lack for the next person willing to do whatever it takes to get their shot at being famous, and maybe having their name etched in a star on that Hollywood sidewalk.

This week we dive into Hebrews 11, often referred to as the Hall of Faith (not Fame). It is a list of all the great testimonies of the Old Testament and why their faith mattered. And how their faith was ultimately rewarded in Jesus Christ. This list, while not exhaustive of lasting personal testimonies of the Old Testament is filled with familiar names and stories. Abraham, Noah, Moses, just to name a few.

But different than the aspiring "stars" of today, these names are remembered thousands of years later not for earning the admiration of men, but instead forsaking that worldly pursuit in order to live and die in total faith often forsaking earthly reward and admiration for a humble life, and a heavenly reward.

It is a familiar passage to many, but my prayer is that you experience what I experienced this week. As I dove in with purpose, I found new truth I had missed before. Finishing my Scripture Outline I arrived at personal application I had not discovered previously. What had appeared to me to be a list of famous Biblical people and the reward of their faith, now has new and richer meaning for me...and will for you too with the right approach.

Please enjoy our breakdown of Hebrews 11

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Interview: Richard Blackaby

You are in for a real treat this week as author, speaker and pastor Richard Blackaby sits down at the Roundtable to discuss Bible Study, growing up in the Blackaby household and much more. What a blessing that Paky was able to catch up with Dr. Blackaby at the Word of Life Lodge in upstate New York earlier this year.

We've been saving this gem for just the right time and have alluded to it several times in the past few weeks. We hope you enjoy this candid conversation with a man that is know by many as the co-author of the Experiencing God family of Bible Studies. Personally, I can say that this study really pushed me deeper into my relationship with God and the Bible several years ago and was a turning point in my faith. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone looking to know what God has for your life.

This behind the scenes conversation with a man revered by so many is, in some ways, a great snapshot of what we hope to accomplish with this podcast and blog. Our founding principle is that reading, understanding and applying the Word of God in your life does not have to be some academic pursuit left to theologians and pastors. It is for each and everyone of us. And God's riches for my life, and yours is to be found within the pages and verses of His Holy Bible.

Dr. Blackaby helps us see that he too is just a man seeking to know God more intimately, in faith that the end result will be hearing His call on our lives more clearly.

In a nod to next weeks's podcast of Hebrews 11: If we hear God, then we can more readily step into His will for our lives and then our testimony and witness can truly come alive.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Roundtable Rehash: Paky teaches us something about Habakkuk

This week on Rehash Richard & Paky give us more reason to ponder Habakkuk, a book that doesn't come up as often as maybe it should.

Are you Maturing as a Believer?: Hebrews 10:19-39

So we are finally reaching the culmination of the book of Hebrews as we enter this last half of Chapter 10 and, for me, it has been an incredible journey of exploring the meaning of Christ as well as His work on the cross. Honestly, it's hard to explain how all I've learned is information I already had, but I hold it so much more closely now. I don't necessarily have new knowledge, but my understanding of what I do have has been enriched and greatly magnified.

It's worth pointing out that this is what happens with intentional, spirit-led Bible study in fellowship with other believers. You grow. You mature. Which, perhaps not coincidentally is where the author of Hebrews is urging us...Maturity.

It is why we do what we do at Biblestudy Roundtable. We don't mean to illuminate the text or teach you something new about any particular passage...we simply invite you to ride along with our journey of taking the author of Hebrews seriously and pressing on to the end.

We know that God has something for you, whatever season or circumstance you are facing. And that His plan for you is better than your plan for you. But as believers we can miss His call if we are not in the Word. Each week we share our Applications, and those are personal, yours may be wildly different but how can you apply the Bible to your life if you aren't letting it speak to you?

Show Notes

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Roundtable Rehash! Grab a quick bite!

My mom made a dish like this when I was a kid. Corned beef hash and eggs. I loved it. If you've never had it, I recommend thoroughly.

I hope you like our re"hash" just as much.

Each week we always find elements of the passage that we want to discuss but that don't necessarily fit within our Scripture Outlines. Also, not everyone has time for a full 45 minute podcast, so we thought it might be nice to have a quick word on the passage each week.

In this Rehash, we talk about sanctification...and give Jesse a hard time.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Ultimate Sacrifice - Hebrews 10:1-18

The life of Christ, while filled with miracles and great teaching, was culminated and derives all purpose through His self-sacrifice on the cross. His act is what saves each and every one of us as believers. As John the Baptist exclaimed when Jesus arrived where John was baptizing in Bethany, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29

This truth is foundational and elementary in the hearts and minds of believers. But Hebrews explodes this truth and takes the reader on a journey exploring the breadth, length, height and depth of what this really means for us. 

As we enter Chapter 10, the author culminates everything they've written up to this point; distilling the essence of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to it's cosmic and eternal purpose. The original audience had been performing ritual sacrifices for generations to atone for sin...but they were merely that..."ritual" and nothing more. 

This week we discuss the opening verses of Hebrews 10 and what God is speaking into our lives through the truth that Christ's sacrifice is "once and for all" and is the only thing that could ever truly pave the way for our salvation to a Holy and perfect God. We hope you are encouraged to pick up your bible and follow along. 

The painting above  is The Sacrificial Lamb by Josefa de Obidos a 17th Century painter from Portugal. Perhaps most notable for being a woman in a man's field she was renown for her still life paintings. Here we see a depiction of the perfect and spotless lamb that was Christ. the table upon which the lamb lays bears an inscription that reads Occisus Ab Origine Mundi, Latin for "slain from the beginning of the world". A sentiment crafted by mortal hands reminding us that Christ's death upon the cross was always the plan. A humbling reminder that God is and always has been and always will be in complete control. 

Show notes

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hebrews 9

Time for Hebrews 9 friends! This week we continue to dive deeper into the picture of Jesus that is being painted by the author of Hebrews. If you've been with us the last several weeks, you'll note that the discussion seems to be stating and restating a lot of the same thoughts. And while not the main point of the passage...I am certain that this repetitive language is a secondary point to which the reader should be arriving.

Let me say it another way: There is a reason the author of Hebrews makes the same point umpteen times....this stuff is REALLY important to your Christian walk.

It would seem that the author of this book is well aware of not just 1st Century Hebrew culture, but of human nature in general. I can speak from experience that one does not have to be Jewish in order to rationalize sinful behavior or trade religiosity for relationship. So, the author knows how common it is that we fall back into old rituals that give us something tangible to point to, but are wholly insufficient to truly cleanse our sin. Faith, by definition, is intangible; hard for us to measure in ourselves and even harder to measure in others.

We are urged by the author to move forward "onto solid food" in chapter 6, because it is not our nature to move on, but instead to keep stomping in the same old spiritual mud puddles. Retreading the past, the result being getting ourselves and those near us dirty. Instead we should move on to the riches of  His glory (Eph 3:16) that we might find peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7)

Enjoy this week as we discover what God has for us in Hebrews 9...

Show notes below

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hebrews 8

This week we continue to move on to "solid food" in Hebrews 8. For the last few weeks, we've been working through this section of scripture where the author seems to be reiterating the same points about Jesus Christ marking a new covenant. This point will continue to be driven home for a couple more weeks in the coming chapters.

Obviously, the author felt it important to make these points about Christ repeatedly and in many different ways. He needed extra emphasis in order to penetrate the hearts of his audience. A bible study tool I've always found helpful is knowing to look for moments where the same point is being made repeatedly. Clearly, the divine and inspired Word of God is not in need of a second attempt to make His point...rather, He knows we need a second, or third or fourth or fifth smack upside the head with truth we really need to know if we are to mature as Christians.

Join us as we get smacked upside the head with truth in Hebrews 8.

show notes

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Hebrews 7

image: Wikipedia

Melchizedek, King Mel, MZK...whatever you want to call him, he is one of the most mysterious characters in all the Bible. On the heels of our interview with Craig Loscalzo last week, we are excited to get back to Hebrews in Chapter 7 and excited to tackle the meaning and interest in this seemingly minor character (or if you're Jesse, interested in learning how to pronounce his name will suffice). 

The man who has no beginning and no end is the subject of our conversation this week. 

Show notes below

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation: Interview w Craig Loscalzo

At BSRT we love to spend time in the word and work each week to better understand and apply it to our lives. But every once in a while we get to a passage that even our learned minds struggle to fully grasp...lol! (Not exactly. We are very far from Bible scholars and I think each week we could use the help of a panel of experts.)

Hebrews 6 was a particularly complicated passage with concepts that vex many Christians. If you tuned in last week, you got to hear our take on the passage and, to the best of our ability, tackle the question "Can a Christian lose their salvation?" We spoke about maturing through patience and the eternal salvation we have in Christ, but there was so much more we had questions about.

So, what better opportunity to bring in a Christian scholar, author and pastor to help us dig deeper while staying on point. This week Paky sits down with Craig Loscalzo, our former pastor at IBC and a man with a real passion for God's Word. Listen in as he helps us all look at that question with some different perspective while wisely using Scripture to interpret Scripture.

It's a great conversation with a man we all deeply respect and admire. Please listen in this week as we get to hear some true wisdom from Craig Loscalzo.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Hebrews 5:11 - 6:20

If I am a Christian, can I lose my salvation?  This is a question that all of us - if we are honest - has asked ourselves at some point in our walk with Christ?  Often times, this question comes to mind on the heals of some sinful act repeatedly popping up in our lives, or when we question the existence of God or the veracity of the Bible.

This week we tackle this very question and find some answers as we use Scripture Outlining to make sense of this often misunderstood passage.  Take a listen.....

Show Notes below

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hebrews 5:1-10

We are back!!! It seems like it has been forever, but we hit a rough patch that made it difficult to get all three of us together. But God was able to use that time to open some amazing doors for the podcast moving forward and we will share more about that later. Great stuff coming later this year.

But this week we jump back into Hebrews right where we left off. Over the past few episodes, as we've gotten deeper each week into this book, we've seen the author spell out clearly that Jesus is higher than angels, and higher than Moses. The author clearly wants to make sure that the Christian Jews reading this understand that Jesus, alone, has authority and position required to be Lord.

This week we look at a short section of Chapter 5, verses 1-10 where we see the author make a point of placing Jesus above the high priest as well. Why is that important?

Well tune in as we discuss Hebrews 5:1-10...

PS: It's so good to be back!

Show Notes

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hebrews 4

Join in as Jesse "pontificates" on the finer points of finding God's rest.

Who knows you better than Jesus? Answer: Not even YOU know yourself as well as God's living Word. So, read it, know it, love it, and use it to grow your faith and strive to find God's rest. Hebrews 4 talks about how God's Word is the great judge of the thoughts and motives of men. Sharper than any double-edged sword in fact at penetrating the very soul of men.

And this is exactly why we must hold each other accountable to being in the Word daily. It will change your life...for the better! It isn't easy, there's no shortcut, you will have to sacrifice time in other areas, you will be confused....and still. It's so worth it. Nothing brings you closer to God than spending time each day with Him in prayerful, Spirit led Bible study.

And, I want to take this space to reiterate that we at BSRT are NOT, I repeat NOT, learn'ed theologians, none of us have spent time in Seminary, and after re-listening to the last few weeks as we've dug into Hebrews it's clear we have a long way to go. But, our podcast isn't so much to teach you about the Bible...it's to teach you about Bible study. And more directly, to show you how to process Scripture in a way that can affect you in your daily walk with Christ.

So please. This week. Sit down in a quiet place. Say a prayer. Open your Bible. And Read.

Show Notes:

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hebrews 3

Listen in this week as we tackle more complex material in Hebrews chapter 3. As an added bonus enjoy the ending where I totally blow my scripture memory! Don't worry, nothing like public embarrassment to encourage one to redouble their efforts. (I've really got it memorized since this recording...I promise! LOL)

We continue to foreshadow the coming topic of "Can a Believer Lose Their Salvation?" but this week we devote our attention to how we avoid a hardened heart both in our conduct - work we do for ourselves; and through uplifting fellowship with other believers - work we do for others. Small is the gate and narrow the path that leads to life, and only few find it. Salvation is a gift we can not earn...but for a maturing Christian it is the first of many steps to take on a road of personal sacrifices and encouraging others. Through Christ, With the Holy Spirit this destination is one we can press on toward til the end.

So, on that note, in the words of Jesse "Go and Surf!"

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